
The Wolsey Orchestra is a non-profit making charity whose members pay a subscription for each concert in which they play. This goes towards offsetting the many costs incurred in promoting and staging the concerts, including: hire of the halls for concerts and rehearsals, conductor and soloist fees, hire and loan of sets of music and additional instruments for specific works, etc.

All Wolsey Orchestra concerts in Ipswich Corn Exchange are presented with financial assistance from Ipswich Borough Council. The orchestra is extremely grateful to the management and staff, who contribute so much to the successful presentation of its concerts.

The orchestra members would like to thank AXA Insurance for the use of their car parking facilities on concert days.

The orchestra is grateful to the management and staff of the Ipswich Music and Drama Library, Suffolk County Council, which provides an invaluable service in sourcing and supplying music sets for its own stock, or via inter-library loan.

Web site photographs of the orchestra courtesy of and copyright of Stephen Cook.